International Women's Day 2025 illustration

Empowering women in the economy across generations

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This year, the ILO will mark International Women’s Day by celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action with a special event reflecting on three decades of progress, challenges, and the future of women in the world of work. 

Through engaging discussions, shared experiences, and expert insights, the event will emphasize a powerful message: All women are working women. 


Opening remarks

Gilbert F. Houngbo
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Manuela Tomei
Assistant Director-General, Governance, Rights and Dialogue
International Labour Organization (ILO)


Naila Kabeer
Professor, London School of Economics
Jennifer Lipenga
Activist from the Global South, AKINA MAMA WA AFRIKA


Abigail Roxas
Deputy Director-General, Employers' Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP)
Siobhán Vipond
President CLC (Canadian Labour Congress), Canada & Vice Chair ITUC Women Committee
Mxolisi Nkosi
Ambassador, Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations in Geneva
Francisca E. Méndez Escobar
Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations in Geneva
Anne Vauchez
International & European Social Affairs Director, MEDEF (Mouvement des Entreprises de France) & Chair of the IOE Policy Working Group on Gender Equality and Diversity
Ruth Khakame Namachanja
KUDHEIHA (Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, and Allied Workers) & COTU

Closing remarks

Sukti Dasgupta
Director, Conditions of Work and Equality Department
International Labour Organization (ILO)


Chidi King
Chief, Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Branch
International Labour Organization (ILO)