Girl Walking on Street with Brazilian Flag on Wall

Labour market enforcement in Brazil: Reflections, lessons and the way forward

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Join us for a captivating journey through the history and transformation of Brazil’s labour inspectorate. Discover how this vital institution has adapted over time to tackle the challenges of labour market non-compliance. Dive into an analysis of Brazil’s unique approach to labour inspection, as we compare it with the established ‘models of inspection’ and explore its distinctive features.

Uncover the criteria for prioritizing sectors for inspection, understand the intricate relationship between inspection activities and the complexities of extended supply chains, and learn about the approaches to engage hard-to-reach populations. Drawing on his wealth of practical experience, Thiago Laporte will share innovative strategies in the field of labour inspection.

From Theory to Practice Webinars provide a platform for experts to share insights on the practical challenges and successes on labour compliance and enforcement across different jurisdictions. These seminars serve as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and real-world application with the spirit to exchange ideas and learn from peers about this complex field of labour regulation. 


Fabiola Mieres profile picture
Fabiola Mieres
Technical Officer, Labour Markets
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Fabiola Mieres joined the ILO Research Department in 2023. Her main current areas of work include compliance with labour protection and temporary labour migration.


Thiago Laporte profile picture
Thiago Laporte
Labour Inspector
Brazilian Ministry of Labour
Thiago Laporte is a tenured labour inspector at the Brazilian Ministry of Labour since 2005. Thiago holds a Master of Laws in Labour Law and Corporate Governance (University of Bristol, UK) and a Master of Public Policy (Brazilian National School of Public Administration in cooperation with Columbia Global Centers). From 2016 to 2017, he served as the General-Manager for Labour Inspections in the Brazilian Secretary of Labour Inspection. Currently, Thiago serves as the regional authority for labour inspection in his home state, Sergipe.