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AI for Good
Event Series
AI for Good

We only have 5 years to achieve the United Nations’ sustainable development goals, and AI is impacting people and the planet. We are the AI generation, and it is our responsibility to ensure that no one is left behind.

AI for Good is identifying trustworthy AI applications, building skills and standards, and advancing AI governance for sustainable development.

AI for Good is organized by ITU in partnership with over 40 UN Sister Agencies and co-convened with the Government of Switzerland.

What will AI do to our work?

Showing dates/times for

This event is organized as part of ITU's AI for Good Series.

AI technologies have captured the public imagination and raised substantial fears. Many of these fears concern automation as some commentators claim that the large-scale elimination of jobs is imminent. This talk will try to put AI into some context about the things it does and how technologies have operated in the past. As in the past, new technologies such as AI don’t just automate, they also change organizations, the worker skills needed, and they have strong effects on consumers. Automation rarely replaces entire jobs; it typically just automates specific tasks. And when this happens, the remaining tasks—the ones that humans perform—become more valuable and often require new and deeper skills. Moreover, consumer benefits often raise demand dramatically as prices fall and quality improves. Greater demand often increases employment, rather than eliminating it. The talk will look at the long-term consequences of these changes and what the main social challenges are raised by this new technology.


Jim Bessen Profile Pic
James Bessen
Executive Director of the Technology & Policy Research Initiative
Boston University
James Bessen, economist and Executive Director of Boston University’s Technology & Policy Research Initiative, explores how technology impacts jobs, skills, and industries. Author of The New Goliaths (Yale 2022), his work is widely cited by policymakers, including the US White House and European Parliament.


Janine Berg profile picture
Janine Berg
Senior Economist
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Pawel Gmyrek profile picture
Pawel Gmyrek
Senior Researcher
International Labour Organization (ILO)
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