Bangladeshi woman worker, stands in a garment factory, raising her hand, facing her fellow co-workers
17ª Reunión Regional de la OIT para Asia y el Pacífico
Grupo de Eventos
17ª Reunión Regional de la OIT para Asia y el Pacífico
Celebrada en Singapur del 6 al 9 de diciembre, la 17ª Reunión Regional para Asia y el Pacífico reúne a los mandantes tripartitos de la OIT que representan a gobiernos, trabajadores y empleadores de Asia y el Pacífico y de los Estados Árabes, así como a representantes de organizaciones internacionales y de la sociedad civil, para debatir medidas concretas para promover un crecimiento rico en empleo, inclusivo y transformador.

Integrated policy agenda for a human-centred recovery that is inclusive, sustainable and resilient

Showing dates/times for

The session will reflect on economic and employment policies, both at national and regional levels needed to promote a human-centred recovery, foster inclusive economic growth and development as well as help address longstanding structural inequalities.


Ali Bin Samikh Al-Marri
Minister of Labour
Brendan O’Connor
Minister for Skills and Training
Leatinu'U Wayne So'oialo
Ministro de Comercio, Industria y Trabajo
Farooq Ahmed
Secretary-General, BEF
Karen Batt
Bambang Brodjonegoro
Chairman of the Board of Professors, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia


Sharanjit Leyl
