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ILO Events

October 2024

Disabled people meeting around a table
Latin American regional conference of the ILO Global Business and Disability Network
The Latin America Conference of the ILO Global Business and Disability Network is convened by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as a side event to the Third OECD Ministerial Summit on Social Inclusion. The general objective of the conference is to discuss how companies can be supported to promote and improve the employment of people with disabilities in Latin America.
Brasilia, Brazil
Colourful Mural with children having fun and in dark colours for those working, depicting against child labour
Ten Years of the Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour
The Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour (winner of the ILO Innovation Award in 2019), a 31 countries tripartite action platform established to accelerate the eradication of child labour, celebrates  it's 10 years of hard work.  Follow Live, the opening ceremony and commemoration of ten years of tripartite work.
AI 4 good 08 October webinar flyer
AI, job quality, and worker voice: Conditions for mutual gains in the digital economy
This event is organized as part of ITU's AI for Good Series. Digital and AI-based technologies provide new tools to reorganize work and manage workers. These can be used in different ways: to automate and deskill jobs or augment worker skills; and to intensify monitoring and discipline or improve training and scheduling. In this talk, Professor Doellgast asks under what conditions these technologies generate mutual gains for employers, workers, and the broader public – drawing on findings from research in the North American and European telecom, IT, and call center industries. She discusses challenges to realizing these benefits, as well as opportunities for management and policy choices that support more socially sustainable AI strategies. This talk is based on: Doellgast, V. (2023). Can democracy at work deliver mutual gains in the digital economy? Studi organizzativi: XXV, 2, 2023, 213-229. – and Doellgast, V., Wagner, I., & O’Brady, S. (2023). Negotiating limits on algorithmic management in digitalised services: cases from Germany and Norway. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 29(1), 105-120. This live event includes a 30-minute networking event hosted on the AI for Good Neural Network. This is your opportunity to ask questions, interact with the panelists and participants and build connections with the AI for Good community.
Black man spreading out coffee beans on mat outside
Documentary - “From Beans to Brew: A Journey into the Lives of Coffee Workers”
On International Coffee Day 2024, join us in celebrating the individuals behind your daily cup of coffee and support efforts to promote decent work in the coffee supply chain. This documentary features interviews with coffee growers from Brazil, Uganda, and Vietnam, and insights from key organizations like the ILO, the International Coffee Organization, and European Commission. Produced by the ILO Vision Zero Fund and ITCILO as part of the #CoffeePeople campaign, and co-funded by the European Union.

September 2024

Abstract AI obstervatory illustration
Launch of the ILO Observatory on AI and Work in the Digital Economy
The ILO Observatory on AI and Work in the Digital Economy aims to be the leading international knowledge hub on the world-of-work dimensions of artificial intelligence (AI) and the digital economy, serving as a platform for increasing the volume and profile of evidence, analysis and dialogue in these areas. The Observatory is accessible through an online portal, backed by ILO’s expertise and engagement at global, regional and country levels. The portal brings together ILO’s research and policy/regulatory insights across four key areas: AI, algorithmic management, digital labour platforms and workers’ personal data. By providing expert knowledge, including regulatory developments, as well as featuring key speakers/authors and emphasizing communication with ILO constituents and beyond, the Observatory is an enabler of policy and social dialogue on world-of-work dimensions of AI and the digital economy. The virtual launch event for the ILO Observatory on AI will present ILO’s new online portal and its strategy for disseminating the latest, cutting-edge knowledge and engaging with constituents and others in this area. It will also highlight key insights from the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology and ILO constituents on the importance of these topics for promoting decent work and social justice in a time of rapid technological change.
New York City
Shepards walking on dry field with sheep
Global launch of the World Social Protection Report 2024-26: Universal Social Protection for Climate Action and a Just Transition
The International Labour Organization (ILO), in collaboration with the Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations, will launch its flagship World Social Protection Report 2024-2026: Universal Social Protection for Climate Action and a Just Transition. The event will be held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. This high-level event will explore the themes and policy recommendations of the World Social Protection Report 2024-26, providing a forum for reflection on key policy messages related to universal social protection and climate action. Interpretation of the livestreaming will be provided in English, French and Spanish.
Illustration thumbnail of the Summit of the future
Summit of the Future + Action Days
The Summit of the Future (22-23 Sep.) will produce an inter-governmentally negotiated, action-oriented Pact for the Future with chapters on Sustainable development and financing for development; International peace and security; Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation; Youth and future generations; and Transforming global governance. The Summit of the Future Action Days (20-21 Sep.) will focus on multistakeholder partnerships and action paving a way towards the next chapter of multilateralism that is more inclusive and networked.

July 2024

New York City
Extreme Heat card for UN SG's Call to Action on Extreme Heat
UN Secretary-General's Call to Action on Extreme Heat
The UN Secretary-General's Call to Action on Extreme Heat brings together the diverse expertise and perspectives of ten specialized UN entities (FAO, ILO, OCHA, UNDRR, UNEP, UNESCO, UN-Habitat, UNICEF, WHO, WMO) in a first-of-its-kind joint product, underscoring the multi-sectoral impacts of extreme heat. Earth is becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone, everywhere. Billions of people around the world are wilting under increasingly severe heatwaves driven largely by a fossil-fuel charged, human-induced climate crisis. Extreme heat is tearing through economies, widening inequalities, undermining the Sustainable Development Goals, and killing people. The Call for Action calls for an urgent and concerted effort to enhance international cooperation to address extreme heat in four critical areas:  Caring for the vulnerable - Protecting workers - Boosting resilience of economies and societies using data and science - Limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C by phasing out fossil fuels and scaling up investment in renewable energy.
New York City
close up of three hands holding up a metal globe of the earth
World Youth Skills Day 2024
Ten years ago, in December 2014, the United Nations General Assembly established World Youth Skills Day as to emphasize the critical importance of equipping young people with essential skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship, as well as for addressing global challenges and advancing sustainable development. To celebrate this milestone, the Permanent Missions of Portugal and Sri Lanka to the United Nations, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the International Labour Organization, and the United Nations Youth Office are convening a virtual panel discussion.
Girl Walking on Street with Brazilian Flag on Wall
Labour market enforcement in Brazil: Reflections, lessons and the way forward
Join us for a captivating journey through the history and transformation of Brazil’s labour inspectorate. Discover how this vital institution has adapted over time to tackle the challenges of labour market non-compliance. Dive into an analysis of Brazil’s unique approach to labour inspection, as we compare it with the established ‘models of inspection’ and explore its distinctive features. Uncover the criteria for prioritizing sectors for inspection, understand the intricate relationship between inspection activities and the complexities of extended supply chains, and learn about the approaches to engage hard-to-reach populations. Drawing on his wealth of practical experience, Thiago Laporte will share innovative strategies in the field of labour inspection. From Theory to Practice Webinars provide a platform for experts to share insights on the practical challenges and successes on labour compliance and enforcement across different jurisdictions. These seminars serve as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and real-world application with the spirit to exchange ideas and learn from peers about this complex field of labour regulation.